Harrow Borough Based Partnership (BBP) brings together our NHS organisations, Harrow Council, our GPs, local Voluntary & Community Sector and our citizens.
We strive to support each other and our communities as equal partners focussing on better health and wellbeing for all.
Statutory providers of Health and Care Services in Harrow: Harrow Council and North West London CCG (to become North West London ICS in line with Legislation) including:
- The Community Health Service provider for Harrow
- The Mental Health Service provider for Harrow
- The Primary Care Networks of Harrow
- The main Acute Service provider for Harrow
- The nominated organisation for the Voluntary and Community Sector for Harrow
- The GP Federation for Harrow
- The local hospice
What is the borough based partnership?
To hear more about the partnership in Harrow, please view the following video:
The Harrow Borough Based Partnership brings together health, social care, wider Local Authority services and Harrow’s voluntary and community sector, working alongside local communities to help the people of Harrow thrive; aspiring to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities.
The partnership is an agreed collaborative arrangement, underpinned by a shared set of priorities and values, to drive better outcomes for the people we serve.
Our mission is to work with children, families, and communities in Harrow to support better care and healthier lives. To read more about the Harrow borough based partnership plan please click here.
Our objectives
- Reduce health inequalities through embedding a robust population health management approach at a borough and neighbourhood level.
- Developing truly integrated out of hospital teams at a neighbourhood level to improve our citizens experience of care and reduce unplanned acute care and intensive social care packages
- Deliver transformational change in care pathways to deliver high quality integrated care, improving outcomes and addressing variation.
Service | Generic contact numbers |
Lead name | Information on the organisation | |
Harrow Community Mental Health Hubs |
cnwl.harrowhub@nhs.net | Caroline Whelan Team Manager | The CMHHs carry out comprehensive assessments of the health and social care needs of service users to help inform interventions delivered (where social care interventions are required onward referrals made to Local Authority Social Care Mental Health team). They Provide all service users with a Dialogue + co -produced Care Plan to guide all support and treatment. They also provide clearly defined interventions to service users with mental health needs – both for those who require short term, brief interventions and those who require more long- term interventions. Equally, they retain up to date knowledge of the local third sector landscape- signposting patients where appropriate. Finally , they provide post discharge support for patients who have recently been discharged from hospital -including 72 hour follow up. | |
Harrow Community Mental Health Hub Triage Team | cnwl.harrowhubreferrals@nhs.net | Gbemisola Akinterinwa | Harrow Community Mental Health Hub Triage team acts a central point of processing all incoming referrals coming into Harrow Secondary Mental Health Services. They are tasked to deal with routine referrals and prioritise assessments within 28 days turnaround time frame. Post assessment where clinically indicated , cases can then be forwarded to the Adult Hubs ( PCN aligned) , Psychology , Psychotherapy or Occupational Therapy , Psychotropic Medication and Physical Health ( Depot / Clozapine) , signposted to other community services or discharge back to GPs. | |
Adult Social Care | AHadults@harrow.gov.uk | 020 8901 2680 | Samantha Procter- Service Manager Sospeter Kariuki - Team Manager Annie Baxter - Team Manager Eneye Gez - Senior Practitioner Uzma Rafiq- Social Worker Janet Nyame - Social Worker Zoe Williams - Social Worker Brunello Lai - Social Worker Angela Dimuna - Social Worker Ololade Olopade - Social Worker Mandy Attridge - Care Manager Princy Peters - Social Worker Apprentice Susan Wright - Care Manager Wheeda Akhtar - Care Manager Yolwando Pantshwa -Social Worker Katherine Ray - Care Manager Amanda Quartey - Care Support Officer Ruby Whittaker- Care Support Officer |
The Adult Social Care West Integrated Neighbourhood team carry out Care Act assessments and reviews for any adult over the age of 18 who has a GP within the HealthSense PCN. Please note, we have a separate team who work with residents that have either a Mental Health diagnosis or a Learning Disability. Following these assessments or reviews our Social Workers and Care Managers will work with the person and or their families or friends to provide a person-centred support plan in order to meet their eligible care needs. The Team will also signpost to our voluntary service colleagues and provide information and advice. Our team is made up of Social Workers, Care Managers and Customer Support Officers. |
Harrow Community Nursing | CLCHT.Harrowadultcommunityhealthservices@nhs.net | 3005558889 | Ruth Kangwa, Clinical Service Manager (this is interim, until the post for the lead is filled) | The Community Nursing (CN) Team sit within the Harrow Integrated Care Clinical service Unit, alongside Rapid Response, Therapy, Falls, Care Homes Response Team, Speech and Language, Community Specialist Palliative Care and Tissue Viability. The purpose of the Community Nursing Service is to enable adults of all ages to improve or maintain health, and promote independence, through the delivery of high quality nursing care in patient homes and residential care homes for patients who are TOTALLY HOUSEBOUND. The service aims to optimise health, prevent avoidable admission to hospital and support patients to live safely at home. This is to be achieved by providing pro-active case management and working together with patients, their carers and other health and social care professionals. Service Does Not Accept Referrals for: Service Users who are not registered with a Harrow GP Those service users who require a home visit and who are registered with a Harrow GP, BUT reside over one mile boundary from the Harrow border (this varies depending on agreement with neighbouring Borough) |
Healthsense PCN | Hannah.Bundock@nhs.net Kamal.Hussain@nhs.net Shaban.Siddik@nhs.net |
Dr Hannah Bundock, Clinical Director, Healthsense Primary Care Network Dr Kamal Hussain, Clinical Director, Healthsense Primary Care Network Shaban Siddik, Senior PCN Development Manager, Healthsense Primary Care Network |
Healthsense PCN is the largest PCN in Harrow comprises of: Roxbourne Medical Centre, Enderley Road Medical Centre, Kenton Bridge Medical Centre (Dr. Raja), Kenton Bridge Medical Centre (Dr. Abu), Pinn Medical Centre, Ridgeway Medical Centre and Simpson House Medical Centre. | |
Voluntary Action Harrow | contact@vah.org.uk | 020 8861 5894 | Voluntary Action Harrow Co-operative work with the local community providing information, training and guidance. Based in Harrow, they are a not-for-profit co-operative owned by our workers. Staff are all local residents of Harrow with in-depth knowledge of the local area and of who’s doing what. Their members collectively have over 35 years’ experience in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, specialising in capacity building in a variety of different organisational development areas. They have worked with a diverse range of local organisations, from small community groups, to regional and international charities. They also run, manage and co-ordinate projects, working with local people and groups to help them make a difference in their local community. |
Public Health | publichealth@harrow.gov.uk |
The design of our Governance systems reflects the changes that we are seeing through Integrated Care arrangements in the wider system and how this influences our roles, responsibilities, and interactions with each other, including our citizens.
Governance arrangements reflect what will enable to the Harrow Borough Based Partnership to flourish and is based on a strong partnership foundation and led by what is important to our partnership.
View our terms of reference
The transformational workstreams of the Harrow BBP reflect our priority programmes and the priorities of the ICS. The workstreams may be continuous or may be disbanded when the business of the group is concluded.
Delivery Workstreams |
Population health management & Tackling Health Inequalities |
Prevention, self-care and social prescribing sub-group |
Tackling health inequalities sub-group |
Population health management working group |
Long term conditions |
Mental Health |
Learning Disability and Autism (all age) |
Frailty and care settings |
Children and Young People |
Carers |
Enabling workstreams |
Workforce and OD Integration |
Access to care and COVID recovery |
Strategic Estates Group |
Digital Transformation |
Communication and Engagement |
Acute and Primary Care Interface Group |
Integration Operational Leads’ Group |
PCNs form a key building block of the NHS long term plan. They bring together general practices to be able to work at scale. Most networks are based on geographical location.
There are 32 general practices in Harrow and they have been put into five prrimary care networks.
The five PCNs are:
- Harrow East
- Sphere
- Health Alliance
- Harrow Collaborative
- Healthsense
Each practice is aligned as below:
Harrow East
- Mollison Way
- Honeypot Medical Centre
- Bacon Lane Surgery
- Streatfield Surgery (Streatfield Health Centre)
- The Northwick Surgery
- St Peter’s Medical Centre
- Elliot Hall Centre
- Hatch End Medical Centre
- GP Direct
Health Alliance
- Aspri Medical Centre
- The Streatfield Medical Centre
- Belmont Health Centre
- The Stanmore Medical Centre
- The Circle Practice
Harrow Collaborative
- Pinner View Medical Centre
- The Pinner Road Surgery
- Savita Medical Centre
- Headstone Lane Medical Centre
- Headstone Road Surgery
- First Choice Medical
- Zain Medical Centre
- Kenton Clinic
- Kings Road Surgery
- The Shaftesbury Medical Centre
- The Pinn Medical Centre
- The Enderley Medical Centre
- Kenton Bridge Medical Centre (Dr Raja)
- Kenton Bridge (Medical Centre Dr Golden)
- Roxbourne Medical Centre
- Simpson House Medical Centre
- The Ridgeway Surgery
- The Civic Medical Centre
Harrow Primary Care Executive Group (PCEG) is established as a group of the NHS North West London Integrated Care Board (NWLICB).
In keeping with the commitment to maintain and enhance primary care locally, as much business as possible will be transacted at NHS NW London borough level.
PCEG’s role is to oversee the development of primary care at a place based level, ensuring that NW London and national requirements are delivered and assurance provided through both the place based governance arrangements (where a decision impacts only the local geography) and the NW London Local Care governance arrangements (where more than one geography is impacted).
Find out more about the Harrow PCEG and how to join our meetings in public.
The Harrow Citizen Health Forum is held every quarter. It is a public meeting, open to all Harrow residents. Each meeting features a panel made up of Harrow borough leaders from the NHS, GPs, the local authority (council), Public Health. The meeting is chaired by NHS North West London’s engagement and equalities team.
Meetings are a mix of online via Microsoft Teams and in person, face-to-face. Agendas are created in partnership with the community, and each meeting features an open space for questions as well as an update on actions agreed at previous meetings.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please do get in touch with NHS North West London’s engagement and equalities team for Harrow by emailing nhsnwl.healthiernwl@nhs.net
Healthy Harrow - Overview of the programme of work
Healthy Harrow is an overarching health and wellbeing programme approach to tackling inequalities, communicating and engaging with our residents, promoting health and wellbeing to help support communities to maintain healthy lifestyles. The programme aims to establish an integrated offer, bringing together health and wellbeing programmes/services under the Healthy Harrow brand.
The Healthy Harrow programme engages with the community through a one stop health and wellbeing website on a number of wide ranging issues to reduce the inequalities experienced by Harrow residents. Builds on the strength, networks, skills and knowledge of local communities, including groups in our community that are less likely to use statutory health services by recruiting local people as volunteers Champion to promote healthy lifestyles that inspires others to take a more active role in their health.
Empowers and trains community champions to offer appropriate advice, guidance, promote healthy lifestyles, raise awareness of health services, signposting to relevant services to help reduce social and cultural stigmas that prevent people from seeking help.
The programme includes:
Maternal Health and Wellbeing Champions: Provides local parents with support from community members who share similar experiences and lifestyles. Provide a range of antenatal and perinatal health and wellbeing information in multiple languages; breastfeeding support, signposting to relevant services; and parent and baby activities.
Hypertension and Diabetes Prevention Champions: An outreach community champion programme that engages with communities living within areas of deprivation in Harrow experiencing diabetes and hypertension, either diagnosed or undiagnosed. Raise awareness about the risks and complications relating to diabetes and hypertension and how people can make healthy lifestyle choices that could minimise the chances of developing the disease.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Champions: Raise awareness on mental health, break down stigma and provide information on services available in Harrow. The Mental Health Champion engages with people with lived experience and other groups to ensure their voices are heard. Support people to access mental wellbeing services and get people talking about mental health.
Community outreach and health checks: The community-based outreach health check program is conducted in partnership with the NHS community health team and community champions to reach people in Harrow. This outreach program is designed to target those in the community who are most likely to benefit from a health check. The goal is to provide them with the necessary information and resources to improve their health and wellbeing.
Macmillan Community Champion: To raise awareness of Macmillan services to underrepresented communities in Harrow. Connecting and signposting people with relevant groups and services.
Optivita project: A place-based initiative to re-establish a hyper-local preventative team in Harrow, to further increase collaboration and coordination of services and community assets with the aim of optimising life chances of parents, carers, babies, children and young people in Harrow.
Join us in as we celebrate the launch of ICON in Harrow as part of National ICON week.
Latest News from Harrow Integrated Care Partnership
09 November 2021 |
Harrow Borough Based Partnership – introducing Lisa, our Managing Director |
13 Octobee 2023 |
Invitation to Harrow Citizen Health Forum on Tuesday 17 October at 5pm |
To contact us please email us on the following email address: collaborating.harrow@nhs.net